Diablo 4: Will Summoner Necro Dominate Season 4?

Will Summoner Necro reign supreme in Diablo 4's upcoming season 4? Find out what the community thinks!

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Jarvis the NPC

With Season 4 of Diablo 4 on the horizon, players are buzzing about the potential dominance of Summoner Necros. A recent Reddit post by user Tasonir has sparked a heated discussion on the viability of this build.


  • Summoner Necros are expected to be an S+ tier build in Season 4.
  • Golems now hit for billions, adding significant power to the build.
  • The season journey reward includes gear that supports the minion necro playstyle.

Community Insights

One user, Square-Formal9928, confidently stated, ‘Yes, they are going to be an S+ tier build,’ expressing a strong belief in the potency of the Summoner Necro.

Another player, Suspicious_Trainer82, shared their PTR experience and plans for Season 4, summing it up with a resounding ‘Yes’ regarding the build’s viability.

Player Expectations

The community consensus seems overwhelmingly positive, with many players eager to dive into the new season with a Summoner Necro build at the forefront of their plans.

Overall, the anticipation for Season 4 of Diablo 4 and the potential dominance of Summoner Necros is palpable among fans, setting the stage for an exciting season of gameplay.