Diablo 4: Skipping the Campaign – Rewards and Regrets!

Find out if skipping the campaign in Diablo 4 truly means missing out on major rewards.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you considering skipping the campaign in Diablo 4 and wondering if it will cost you dearly in terms of rewards? Let’s dive into the community’s thoughts on this debate.


  • Skipping campaign in Diablo 4: Some say it’s okay, others highlight unique rewards.
  • Campaign offers: Cutscenes, mounts, and certain unique rings.
  • Different perspectives: Some find the campaign experience valuable, while others see no real loss in skipping it for rewards.

Mount Up or Skip?

AntiseptikCN mentions that skipping the campaign speeds up leveling and grants the horse right away, a definite plus. P0LL0D1ABL0, on the other hand, emphasizes the appreciation gained for the mount after trudging through three acts on foot.

Rewards Worth the Grind?

beviwynns and Fabio_Rosolen point out specific rewards like the immunity bubble legendary power and unique rings from Lilith. However, xenosilver brushes off the unique ring drop as something insignificant in the long run.

Campaign Decisions

nighthawk_something and Such_Performance229 stress the value in playing through the campaign at least once, citing the worth of the experience. On the contrary, Electrical-Scar4773 believes that with all maps unlocked and additional points earned, the campaign may not be necessary for casual players.

Ultimately, the decision to skip the campaign in Diablo 4 for rewards is a personal one. While some unique items and experiences can be garnered, others argue that the gains are minimal in the grand scheme of the game. Whether you choose to embrace the campaign or bypass it for swifter progress, the beauty lies in the varied perspectives and gameplay choices Diablo 4 offers.