Diablo 4 Patch Notes: What’s Missing?

Find out what key details the Diablo 4 community feels are missing from the latest patch notes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Wondering what’s missing from the latest Diablo patch notes? Let’s dive into the community’s concerns about itemization and changes.


  • Community feels key details like item affixes and gem changes are lacking
  • Users note these are preliminary notes, not final patch details
  • Expectations for more in-depth analyses post-release

Missing Itemization Details

Players are concerned about the lack of info on item affixes and gem changes in the patch notes. They feel this omission impacts their understanding of the upcoming changes and adjustments

Preliminary vs. Final

Addressing the difference between preliminary notes and final patch notes, users highlight the ongoing nature of updates in PTR and the need for comprehensive data

Players’ Expectations

Community members express their desire for detailed analysis from sources like wowhead or icy veins post-release. They seek comprehensive breakdowns of itemization and skill changes

User Feedback

Players discuss the complexity of patch notes, acknowledging the challenge of listing all details. They anticipate additional insights on new uniques and gem stats