Diablo 4: Endless Load Screen Chaos

Players share frustration over endless load screens in Diablo 4. Is it a game-breaking bug or just server issues?

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo 4 players are facing a nightmare with endless load screens plaguing their gameplay experiences. Multiple adventurers have found themselves stuck in limbo, unable to fast travel or enter dungeons without getting trapped in an infinite loading loop.


  • Players are encountering persistent load screen issues, leading to frustration and lost progress.
  • The problem seems widespread across platforms, affecting both console and PC players.
  • Suggestions range from server issues to game-breaking bugs, causing chaos in the community.

Players’ Frustrations

Many players shared their exasperation as the endless load screens disrupted their gaming sessions. User Buckem420 lamented losing two sigils due to the bug, highlighting the impact on gameplay progression.

Server Woes

Some users speculated that server issues were the root cause of the problem. User MushinZero succinctly identified the situation as a server issue, echoing the concerns of several others.

Platforms Affected

Players across various platforms, including Xbox Series S, PS5, and PC, reported experiencing the same issue, indicating a widespread problem that transcends hardware differences.