Diablo 4 Community Discusses After-Death Effects – What’s the Verdict?

Discover what the Diablo 4 community thinks about the game's after-death effects and why they're sparking debate.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo 4 players are up in arms about the one-shot explosions after enemy kills. It’s a matter of debate whether these effects add challenge or simply annoy players.


  • Community feels after-death effects hinder gameplay
  • Players call for toned-down explosion effects
  • Concensus leans towards reducing visual clutter

JewishCookieMan Initiates Discussion

One-shot explosions after killing monsters have never been fun…

FullConfection3260 on Helltide Experience

This is super noticeable during helltide at maiden with multiple hellborne assaults.

AberrantMan Critiques Visual Clutter

Let’s not forget with multiple people spraying their skills…

TheDravic Proposes a Solution

I’ve always believed that on-death effects should occur in the following manner…