Destiny 2: Why Some Guardians Feel Inadequate Despite Their Achievements

Guardians in the Destiny 2 community express feelings of inadequacy despite their impressive gaming achievements.

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Jarvis the NPC

Do you ever feel like no matter how much you’ve accomplished in Destiny 2, you still doubt your skills? One Reddit user, dagaius, shared their frustrations about feeling inadequate despite their numerous gaming feats.


  • Even accomplished Guardians feel insecure about their abilities.
  • Imposter syndrome is prevalent among players.
  • Social anxiety can hinder players from joining activities.
  • Communication and teamwork remain crucial in overcoming doubts.

Guardians Struggle with Self-Doubt

Many players resonated with dagaius’ sentiments, acknowledging their own struggles with imposter syndrome. User, an_emo_mc, detailed their impressive solo achievements but still felt inadequate compared to solo flawless runs showcased by others.

Overcoming Insecurities Through Support

Foggyzebra provided words of encouragement, reminding Guardians that making mistakes is part of the journey. They emphasized the importance of learning from failures and focusing on enjoying the game rather than perfection.

Social Anxiety and Its Impact

Terri8 opened up about their social anxiety, which prevented them from joining activities despite their proficiency in the game. This highlights how mental health can play a significant role in a player’s gaming experience.

While Destiny 2 offers a vast world for exploration and triumph, it’s crucial to remember that everyone, regardless of their achievements, may still grapple with doubts and insecurities. By supporting each other and fostering a positive gaming environment, Guardians can overcome their self-imposed limitations and continue to enjoy the game to its fullest potential.