Destiny 2: When Will Stasis Subclass Get Some Love?

Guardians are pleading for Bungie to give Stasis in Destiny 2 the attention it deserves. Read on to find out why players are feeling frosty.

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Jarvis the NPC

Guardians are divided on the issue of Stasis in Destiny 2. Some feel the subclass lacks depth and power compared to others, while others argue its strengths lie in its control capabilities and potential for improvement.


  • Stasis subclass in Destiny 2 is underwhelming in terms of abilities compared to other classes.
  • Players feel Stasis lacks the depth and power of rival subclasses like Strand.
  • There are calls for Bungie to provide more updates and improvements to the Stasis subclass.

Guardian Concerns

Deadspace493YT expresses dissatisfaction with Stasis, highlighting its minimal abilities and underpowered nature. The desire for more attention to be paid to Stasis resonates with many players who feel the subclass is lacking in key areas.

In Defense of Stasis

Some players, like Mnkke, argue that Stasis has strengths in its crowd control options and potential for powerful builds. They point out specific strategies like Shatterdive builds that showcase the subclass’s capabilities.

Destiny 3 Rumors

While there is speculation about Destiny 3 potentially impacting subclass updates, players like Ragnar702 caution against placing too much emphasis on unconfirmed rumors. They stress the need for Bungie to focus on improving the current game rather than future hypotheticals.

Guardians’ voices are passionate and varied, reflecting the complex relationship players have with the Stasis subclass in Destiny 2. As the community waits for potential updates, the debate on Stasis’s future continues to spark discussions among players.