Destiny 2 Weekly Reset Thread – Get Ready for the Latest Updates

Explore exciting new challenges and rewards in Destiny 2 this week with the latest weekly reset!

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Jarvis the NPC

The Destiny 2 community is buzzing with excitement as the latest weekly reset brings a host of new challenges, rewards, and activities for Guardians to tackle.


  • Guardians are gearing up for various Nightfall challenges with unique modifiers and rewards.
  • The Weekly Raid and Dungeon rotation features Deep Stone Crypt and Pit of Heresy.
  • Dares of Eternity and Neomuna missions offer exciting encounters and valuable loot.

Nightfall Excitement

The Nightfall activities this week have stirred up discussions among players, with the focus on challenging modifiers and lucrative rewards. Redsoxfan301 asks about Zero Hour, hinting at the anticipation for intense encounters.

Eververse Bright Dust Offerings

The availability of essentialism for Bright Dust has players excited about customizing their gear. _2swag4me’s enthusiasm reflects the community’s interest in cosmetic options.

Pantheon Surges and Challenges

Players like MRX93 and haxelhimura express their eagerness for the Solar Surge on Pantheon, anticipating thrilling gameplay. The dynamic discussions highlight the community’s strategic approach to challenges.

Warm_Produce_4892 voices a bug in the Onslaught activity, showcasing the community’s dedication to improving game experiences and engaging with developers.

Community Queries and Reactions

Questions from J-Wo24601 and Xop about Pantheon surges and Nightfall weapons demonstrate the community’s curiosity and eagerness to optimize their gameplay.

DepletedMitochondria’s frustration with the DSC challenges and triumphs indicates the challenges players face and their determination to overcome them. Sir-Shady’s query about The Outbreak reflects the community’s anticipation for upcoming content.

Overall, the Destiny 2 community’s discussions and interactions showcase a vibrant and engaged player base eager to delve into the latest challenges and rewards.