Destiny 2 Update: Chill Clip vs Overloads no Longer Blocked Out by Radiant

Exciting news for Destiny 2 players as Radiant's Anti-Barrier effect no longer blocks Chill Clip and Wicked Implement's Slow effect! Read on for more.

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Jarvis the NPC

Recently, Destiny 2 players were pleasantly surprised by an undocumented quality of life update that changed the interaction between Radiant’s Anti-Barrier effect and certain weapon effects.


  • An unexpected quality of life update has made Chill Clip and Wicked Implement’s Slow effect no longer blocked by Radiant’s Anti-Barrier effect, providing a more consistent gameplay experience.
  • Players are thrilled with this change, as it allows for better synergy between weapon effects and champion counters.
  • The community appreciates the improved consistency and hopes for further updates to enhance gameplay interactions.

Players’ Excitement

Shattered_Disk4 expressed relief, saying, ‘Thank god.’ 

Variatas praised the change for creating a more consistent gameplay experience, stating, ‘Locking out champion counters based on buffs you can get from teammates was very counterintuitive.’

MLPType shared their usage of Touch of Malice for Unstoppable champions and hoped for a fix regarding Arc blind when using Radiant.

Community Feedback

Whhheat emphasized the positive impact of buffs, regardless of unintentional changes, stating, ‘a positive buff should never be something undesirable.’

xJetStorm highlighted the significance of this update, mentioning how Radiant previously blocked certain perks, making it the only subclass keyword to do so.

rpotts voiced a similar sentiment, hoping for fixes regarding Radiant’s impact on weapons’ interactions.

Player Reactions

ASAP_BladeRunner shared exhilaration by listing in-game elements affected by the update.

killerdonut0610 thanked Bungie for addressing an annoying issue.

Work_In_ProgressX playfully referred to the update as ‘the swiss army knife officially here.’

Excitement in the Community

Narfwak expressed astonishment, ‘That’s effing huge. I can finally use my Lingering Dread to full effect!’

TobiasX2k simply stated, ‘Fantastic news!’

MandrewMillar humorously mentioned their excitement to bring out Chill Clip Riptide again.

Breadman86 highlighted the anticipation surrounding the update and the community’s appreciation for the poster, CourtRooom.

Intercalated-Disc shared their excitement with an enthusiastic ‘WOOOOO we’re so back!’