Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Megathread: Community Sentiments Revealed

Dive into the Destiny 2 subreddit to uncover the pulse of the Trials of Osiris community!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2’s Trials of Osiris has the community buzzing with mixed sentiments. From calls for nerfs to map frustrations, here’s a peek at what Guardians are discussing.


  • Guardians express frustration over matchmaking issues.
  • Players discuss desired weapon perks and strategies for success.
  • Some call for buffs and nerfs to specific in-game elements.
  • The community shares tips for achieving Flawless victories.

Community Frustrations

Theimpossiblewhoppa humorously advocates for the day solar lock and phoenix are nerfed as the day the world becomes a better place. Winginlifelikeaboss seeks help regarding purchasing a lightfall pass, highlighting a common confusion among players.

Seeking Advice

Neat_On_The_Rocks queries about PVE Godroll recommendations, showcasing a quest for optimal weapon perks. Mountain-Address9990 voices disappointment over frequent 2v3 matchmakings, indicating an ongoing issue affecting player experiences.

In-Game Reflections

Emperor_Palpamemes expresses a desire for an Igneous nerf, implying balance concerns within the game. XlDeFuSioNlX vocalizes their dissatisfaction with Cauldron map gameplay, reflecting varied preferences among players.

All in all, the Destiny 2 community echoes a range of sentiments, from hopeful aspirations for improvements to frustrations stemming from gameplay experiences.