Destiny 2: The Struggle for the Sunshot Catalyst Continues

Destiny 2 players discuss the elusive Sunshot Catalyst in this Reddit thread. Is RNG really this harsh, or are there tricks to obtaining it?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are lamenting the absence of the Sunshot Catalyst after almost 7 years of waiting. User JuicyJ1738IsBack expresses frustration with the seemingly insurmountable RNG hurdle.


  • Players share mixed experiences with obtaining the Sunshot Catalyst.
  • RNG mechanics continue to baffle and frustrate many.
  • Some suggest completing other catalysts might increase drop rates.

The RNG Struggle

Several users empathize with JuicyJ1738IsBack’s plight, sharing their own grievances with Destiny 2’s random drop system. User allienimy suggests that clearing out existing catalysts could potentially trigger the Sunshot Catalyst’s drop.

Mechanics and Misfortune

TechAdeptInquisitor acknowledges the Sunshot’s functionality without a catalyst but highlights the added benefit it brings. They also express frustration with RNG, echoing the sentiments of many players.

Community Insights

FactsNoPrinters delves into the history of the Sunshot Catalyst, mentioning its past as a faction reward and subsequent inclusion in the random loot pool. Despite shedding light on the catalyst’s origins, the struggle remains real for players like JuicyJ1738IsBack.

thegil13 notes the potential catalyst drop rate increase in PvP comp, sharing their personal success story. However, the disparity in drop rates continues to puzzle players seeking the elusive catalyst.

D1xon_Cider offers practical advice, recommending completing other catalysts to potentially trigger the Sunshot Catalyst’s drop. This strategy aligns with allienimy’s approach, suggesting a possible correlation between catalyst completion and drop rates.