Destiny 2: The Quest for Arc and Void Exotic Hand Cannons

Guardians seek powerful Arc and Void hand cannons to shake up their loadouts in Destiny 2. Will Bungie answer their call?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vast universe of Destiny 2, Guardians are clamoring for new, powerful hand cannons with Arc and Void energies to rival the popular Sunshot exotic.


  • Guardians yearn for diversity in hand cannon options, especially in Arc and Void elements.
  • The lack of exotic hand cannons in certain elements leaves players feeling restricted in their loadout choices.
  • Community feedback influenced Bungie’s focus on other weapon types, causing a delay in introducing new exotic hand cannons.

Guardians’ Desires

Guardians in the Destiny 2 community are expressing their desire for new exotic hand cannons wielding Arc and Void energy. User aimlessdrivel lamented the current imbalance of elemental hand cannons, stating, “Yeah it’s pretty dumb we have 8 kinetic, two solar and zero Arc/Void/Stasis/Strand exotic hand cannons” (source).

Community Feedback Impact

User ErgoProxy0 shed light on how community feedback played a role in the absence of new exotic hand cannons, explaining, “Because we the community complained about getting exotic hand cannons before. Said we need more bows, scouts and pulse rifles. Which is true, but that also meant we didn’t want exotic hand cannons in the secondary slot” (source).

Alternative Perspectives

Some players, like Sprinklings, question the necessity of hand cannons for Arc and Void energy, suggesting, “Why do they need to be hand cannons? I always felt graviton lance for void and trinity ghoul for arc fit the same mold” (source).

In a universe filled with possibilities and demands, Guardians are eagerly anticipating Bungie’s response to their fervent request for new exotic hand cannons. The community’s diverse opinions reflect the ongoing evolution of Destiny 2’s gameplay and the delicate balance between player desires and developer decisions. As the hunt for the ultimate weapons continues, only time will tell if Arc and Void exotic hand cannons will become a reality in the ever-expanding world of Destiny 2.