Destiny 2: The Quartermaster Exotic Hand Cannon Idea – Fan-Made Creation

Discover a fan-made exotic hand cannon concept for Destiny 2 that's gaining popularity among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wished for a unique exotic weapon in Destiny 2 that adds a twist to your gameplay? Well, one Reddit user, Yugledude, has come up with a fascinating idea for an exotic hand cannon that has stirred quite a buzz within the Destiny 2 community.


  • Players are intrigued by the idea of a new exotic hand cannon that fits specific playstyles.
  • Some users express a desire for more variety in exotic hand cannons, particularly in different elemental types.
  • The community appreciates creative fan-made weapon concepts and hopes to see them implemented in the game.

Community Reactions

One user, irishemperor, mentioned that Destiny 2 already has two exotic solar hand cannons and hopes for more variety in elemental types. They express a desire for exotic hand cannons with different elements like Void, Arc, Strand, or Stasis. This sentiment echoes the need for diversity and choice in weapon options within the game.

Nero110 shared a humorous take on the idea, joking about a pocket flamethrower and pleading for a new exotic hand cannon that isn’t solar or kinetic. The tongue-in-cheek comment adds a light-hearted perspective to the discussion.

On a more positive note, theofficialblazedark voiced support for the fan-made exotic hand cannon concept and even mentioned voting for its inclusion if Bungie were to consider community suggestions. This highlights the enthusiasm of players to engage with game developers and have a say in potential new content.

Furthermore, atom1cchicken praised the concept for its balance, noting that it doesn’t appear overpowered or underwhelming. This highlights the importance of creating weapons that enhance gameplay without disrupting the game’s balance.

Final Thoughts

The Destiny 2 community continues to demonstrate its creativity and passion for the game through fan-made creations like Yugledude’s exotic hand cannon idea. It’s heartwarming to witness players coming together to share their thoughts, provide feedback, and engage in lively discussions about potential additions to the game. Destiny 2 thrives on its dedicated player base, and it’s this sense of community and collaboration that makes the game truly special.