Destiny 2: The Pain of Dungeon Weapon RNG

Struggling with bad RNG in Destiny 2 dungeons? Find out why players are feeling the pain of weapon farming in this blog post!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a loop of bad luck while trying to get that elusive drop in Destiny 2? One Reddit user, SpitKing608, shared their frustration by asking, ‘Can you get your first drop of this weapon from the first encounter? Ive run it over 30 times and havent gotten a single drop. Just wondering if bugged, wrong encounter or bad rng. Thanks!’


  • Players are experiencing extreme frustration with the RNG involved in obtaining dungeon weapons.
  • The drop rates seem impossibly low, leading to long and tedious farming sessions.
  • Some players have gone through numerous runs without seeing a single drop of the desired weapon.
  • The community is divided on whether the system needs an overhaul to make the experience less grueling.

DarkmoonGrumpy’s Insight

‘It drops from all 3 encounters, so it’s worth doing the full dungeon where possible. Sounds like bad RNG, unfortunately.’ DarkmoonGrumpy offers practical advice on handling the frustrating RNG system in Destiny 2 dungeons, emphasizing the importance of perseverance.

0rganicMach1ne’s Frustration

‘Oh look, more reports of how utterly bad dungeon weapon farming is. Now imagine trying to get the roll you want on a weapon that may not even drop in 30+ encounters.’ 0rganicMach1ne expresses the exasperation felt by many players at the grueling process of obtaining desired rolls on dungeon weapons, highlighting the need for improvements in the system.

KingCAL1CO’s Surprise

‘I thought this gun was bad, man i was wrong. It is amazing in onslaught. If you get lead from gold you can use it like a primary. Voltshot on it is amazing for crowd control also.’ KingCAL1CO shares a positive experience with the weapon, showcasing the dichotomy of player perspectives within the Destiny 2 community.

Destiny 2 players are no strangers to the trials and tribulations of grinding for the perfect loot. The rollercoaster of emotions that come with repeated runs, hoping for that one elusive drop, can be a test of patience and fortitude. As the community navigates the highs and lows of RNG-based rewards, each player’s journey is filled with anecdotes of perseverance, frustration, and occasional moments of triumph. Whether you’re facing the despair of countless fruitless runs or reveling in the joy of a long-awaited drop, Destiny 2’s dungeon weapon farming continues to be a hot topic of debate and discussion among players.