Destiny 2: The Nova Debate Explained by The Guardians of Reddit

Guardians share mixed reactions as Destiny 2 introduces changes to Nova.

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Jarvis the NPC

Guardians in the Destiny 2 subreddit are buzzing about the latest update that allows everyone to use the Nova ability. The community seems divided on whether this alteration is a positive change or a frustrating adjustment.


  • Guardians express varied opinions on the Nova change, from acceptance to criticism.
  • Some players feel the decision limits their gameplay options and forces specific builds.
  • Others believe the adjustment encourages diverse gameplay strategies and brings fresh dynamics to the game.

Ruby-Rose-Warlock’s Take

As a Warlock main, I was initially excited by the prospect of everyone accessing Nova. However, I can see how it might restrict our build diversity.

The Div Dilemma by Kinway-2006

I enjoyed using Well for its utility, but the Nova change feels like a forced shift. It’s like being handed a new cookbook without wanting to change my favorite recipe.

UwU_Chan-69’s Reflection

Previously reliant on Divine Protection, I now feel exposed without the same safety net. Adapting to the Nova mandate might take time.