Destiny 2: The Mysterious Journey of Him

Discover the fate of 'him' in the world of Destiny 2 through the eyes of Reddit users.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered what happened to ‘him’ in Destiny 2 that led to all these speculations and responses?


  • From losing top gear to experiencing serious burns, ‘him’ is in quite a situation.
  • Players are sharing humorous incidents and heartfelt support for ‘him’.
  • The community’s engagement shows how Destiny 2 stories can spark creativity and empathy.

Players’ Speculations

InMikeHunt jokingly suggests ‘Datto’ led ‘him’ to deleting all his guns, leaving fans in laughter. SnowDizzleZz chronicles a week of grind with no god roll, a common Destiny 2 frustration. Fearless-Animator-16’s cryptic ‘fentanyl’ comment adds a mysterious touch

Community Responses

Guilty_Ghost humorously narrates surviving a lethal encounter, while Miracle_Salad paints a grand gesture towards the Traveler. Aubagin’s ‘Burnout’ remark adds a touch of serious concern. Whether it’s Lust_The_Lesbian’s advice to hydrate or IAteMyYeezys’ simple ‘Gambit match’ reveal, the community showcases diverse reactions

Destiny 2: A Tapestry of Tales

The Destiny 2 universe, as portrayed by Reddit users, demonstrates the intricate blend of humor, camaraderie, and concern. Through ‘him,’ players find a common ground of storytelling and emotional connection, showcasing the game’s unique ability to inspire creative fan content and unity