Destiny 2: The Hunt for Triple 100 Exotics Comes to an End

Join us in the thrilling conclusion of this player's quest for all exotics in Destiny 2!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players in Reddit are abuzz over MoorGaming’s post about finally achieving triple 100 for all exotics. It’s a journey of perseverance and dedication.


  • Players commend MoorGaming’s dedication and patience in achieving the triple 100 status for all exotics.
  • Some users express awe and admiration for the accomplishment while questioning the practicality of such a goal.
  • There is a mix of respect and disbelief from the community regarding the time and effort required for this achievement.


Saint_Victorious humorously comments on the potential meta impact of Blight Ranger buff, hinting at the evolving game dynamics.


Lydiashusband7425 marvels at MoorGaming’s patience and dedication, juxtaposing it with personal limitations in a lighthearted manner.


Reddit-Suckage makes an amusing remark about the consequence of the achievement with a touch of dark humor.


M47715 highlights the bittersweet nature of the completion, acknowledging the effort invested by MoorGaming.