Destiny 2: The Final Shape Planetary Alignment Theory

Discover the intriguing theory surrounding planetary alignment in Destiny 2 and its player reactions!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever thought about the universe’s alignment in Destiny 2? Well, buckle up because the Final Shape Planetary Alignment theory is here to blow your mind. According to a Reddit post by Aenimality, the next planetary alignment is set to happen on June 3, 2024, with six planets coming into perfect harmony.


  • Players speculate on the significance of the planetary alignment in Destiny 2
  • Some believe it hints at future game content or events
  • The community is divided on whether Bungie intentionally aligns game releases with astrological events

The Great Alignment

Users like ‘edgehtml’ are hyped about the upcoming alignment, referring to it as a ‘god wave.’ The alignment of the visible planets correlates with vaulted destinations in the game, sparking theories of future exploration.

Community Speculation

‘RainmakerIcebreaker’ cryptically mentions, ‘THESE FRAIL SIBLINGS WILL SOON BE CLAIMED BY THE LIGHT,’ stirring curiosity about potential lore implications linked to the alignment.

Astrological Influence

Some users, such as ‘sanecoin64902,’ believe Bungie strategically times game releases with significant astrological events, fostering engagement and mystery within the community.

While ‘DarkmoonGrumpy’ humorously dismisses the theory as a mere coincidence, the rest of the community seems intrigued by the alignment’s potential impact on Destiny 2.