Destiny 2: The Buzz on SIVA Returning and the Community Sentiments

Diving into the Destiny 2 subreddit to see how the community feels about the potential return of SIVA-related content. Is it copium or genuine excitement?

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the Destiny 2 subreddit, it’s evident that the community is abuzz with discussions about the return of SIVA-related content.


  • Players expressing nostalgia and excitement for SIVA’s potential comeback.
  • Doubts lingering about the execution and depth of the new content.
  • Speculation on the impact of SIVA’s reintroduction on the game’s lore and future updates.

Glimpses of Hope

While some remain skeptical, the return of SIVA-related activities has reignited a spark of nostalgia and anticipation among players. The prospect of diving back into familiar yet reimagined content has struck a chord with the community.

Concerns and Skepticism

Despite the excitement, doubts linger regarding the true extent of the new SIVA content. Some players fear that it may fall short of expectations or simply recycle existing elements, dampening the novelty of the experience.

Lore Speculations

Within the subreddit discussions, users delve into the potential lore implications of SIVA’s resurgence. Speculations range from tie-ins with previous expansions to how this narrative arc might shape Destiny 2’s future storyline.

Mixing nostalgia, skepticism, and fervent speculation, the Destiny 2 community’s reactions to the hint of SIVA’s return underscore the intricate web of emotions woven into the gaming world.