Destiny 2: Stompies vs. Lucky Pants – The Debate Continues

Hunters in Destiny 2 face a tough choice - Stompies or Lucky Pants? The community weighs in on Crucible preferences.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Destiny 2, the debate rages on – Stompies or Lucky Pants? Hunter mains can’t seem to agree on the best Crucible attire!


  • Hunter mains are divided between Stompies and Lucky Pants in Crucible.
  • Some prefer stompies for the mobility boost, while others swear by Lucky Pants for the perks.
  • Players have niche use cases for both exotics, depending on playstyle and subclass.

Stompies Fan Club

Many players lean towards Stompies for the mobility they offer, allowing for agile movement in PvP engagements. The horizontal speed boost is a game-changer for some, helping them outmaneuver opponents.

Lucky Pants Enthusiasts

On the other hand, Lucky Pants advocates appreciate the bonuses they provide for both PvP and PvE activities. The enhanced aim assist and stability after a dodge make a significant difference in gunfights.

The Wormhusk Conundrum

Some players find themselves torn between Stompies and Wormhusk, opting for the latter for survivability while others prefer the sheer speed and agility of Stompies for offensive playstyles.

In the fast-paced world of Destiny 2 Crucible, the right choice of exotic boots can make or break a Hunter’s gameplay experience. Whatever your preference, the ongoing debate between Stompies and Lucky Pants shows no signs of slowing down.