Destiny 2: Redditors Discuss Hopes for Future Reprised Raid

What do Destiny 2 fans want from the next reprised raid? Reddit users share their thoughts on potential raid returns.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are buzzing with excitement as they speculate about potential reprised raids in the future. From Wrath of the Machine to Scourge of the Past, the community is filled with diverse opinions and expectations.


  • Players express a strong desire for the return of Wrath of the Machine due to its popularity and unique encounters.
  • Some suggest merging existing D2 raids to create a new, consolidated raid experience.
  • Requests for raid weapon refreshes, such as Garden of Salvation, are also prominent among the players.

Wrath of the Machine: A Fan Favorite

Many users express a deep fondness for Wrath of the Machine, praising its mechanics and atmosphere. One user, Raguel_of_Enoch, describes it as their favorite raid of all time. The nostalgia and excitement surrounding the return of Wrath are palpable in the community.

Merging Raids: Creative Solutions

Some users propose innovative ideas like HazardousSkald’s suggestion to merge Eater of Worlds and Spire of Stars into a single raid experience. This concept sparks discussions about potential loot pools and the feasibility of such a merger.

Weapon Refresh Requests

Players like Dumoney advocate for weapon refreshes in existing raids like Garden of Salvation. Their plea for updated raid gear reflects a common desire among the community for fresh content and rewards in familiar activities.

Destiny 2 players are eagerly anticipating the return of classic raids and the potential for new experiences in the game’s raiding landscape. Whether it’s the nostalgia of Wrath of the Machine, the creativity of merged raids, or the desire for updated loot, the community remains vocal and enthusiastic about the future of Destiny 2 raid content.