Destiny 2 Players in Turmoil Over Loot Drops in Onslaught Game Mode

Destiny 2 players are expressing frustration over the abundance of low-quality loot drops in the Onslaught game mode.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players have taken to the subreddit to air their grievances about the loot drops in the Onslaught game mode.


  • Players are disappointed with the quantity and quality of loot drops in Onslaught.
  • Some feel that Bungie has over-focused on certain weapons, such as Hung Jury.
  • The grind for desirable rolls is proving to be frustrating for many dedicated players.

Destiny 2 Community’s Frustrations

Many players expressed dismay at the overwhelming abundance of lackluster loot drops, with one player lamenting, “If it ain’t shiny I’m not keeping it.” This sentiment was echoed by others who felt that the loot quality did not match the effort put into the game.

Bungie’s Weapon Choices

There were comments highlighting Bungie’s apparent favoritism towards certain weapons like Hung Jury, with one player sarcastically noting, “Someone at Bungie really loves Hung Jury.” This perceived imbalance in loot distribution led to frustration among players who craved variety in their rewards.

The Grind for God Rolls

Players expressed their struggles in obtaining desirable rolls, with one player sharing, “I’ve done 20+ legend runs, and have no God rolls. Not even any nearly God rolls.” This pursuit of perfect rolls has consumed players’ time, yet the coveted rewards remain elusive, adding to their disappointment.