Destiny 2: Players Debate Difficulty of Hive vs Fallen in Onslaught Mode

Destiny 2 players discuss the challenges of facing Hive versus Fallen enemies in the intense Onslaught mode.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are passionately debating whether facing the Hive or the Fallen in Onslaught mode is more challenging. The differences in difficulty have sparked a lively discussion on Reddit.


  • Players find the Fallen enemies more difficult due to multiple gimmicks that slow down gameplay.
  • The density of enemies and unique abilities of the Fallen pose a significant challenge.
  • Fallen encounters are marked by invisible enemies, shields, and overwhelming firepower.

The Fallen Challenge

Many players feel the Fallen present a greater challenge in Onslaught mode compared to the Hive. The variety of gimmicks, such as shielding servitors, invisible Vandals, and relentless snipers, significantly impact the pace of gameplay.

Hive Advantage

On the contrary, some players argue that the Hive are easier to deal with in Onslaught mode. Their straightforward approach to combat, with clear crit spots and predictable behaviors, makes them a preferred enemy faction.

Player Tactics

Players have devised unique strategies to tackle the challenges posed by the Fallen. From specialized weapon loadouts to specific gear combinations, every Guardian has their own approach to overcoming the obstacles.

Despite the ongoing debate, one thing remains clear – Onslaught mode in Destiny 2 offers a relentless test of skill and teamwork that continues to challenge players on every front.