Destiny 2: Pantheon LFG Nightmare Tips & Fails

Discover the hilarious fails and epic tips shared by Destiny players navigating LFG nightmares in the Pantheon raid.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players share their trials and tribulations in the Pantheon raid LFG experiences, offering both hilarious fails and insightful tips. From misunderstood mechanics to epic gear fails, the journey through raiding with strangers is full of surprises.


  • Learn the raid mechanics before diving in.
  • Equip suitable gear for your role.
  • Communication is key; know when to talk and when to listen.
  • Understand the gravity of end-game activities.

Fails and Laughs

One player hilariously recounts the confusion around using Thunderlord for DPS phases, leading to chaotic moments of misinformed choices.

Armory Mishaps

A player recalls a teammate’s loadout disaster during a crucial raid encounter, highlighting the importance of proper gear preparation.

Tactics and Tips

A seasoned player offers valuable advice on gear choices and strategies for specific encounters, shedding light on the nuances of raiding in Pantheon.

Embark on a journey of triumphs and laughter as Destiny 2 players face the challenges and joys of raiding in the Pantheon LFG scene. From gear mishaps to enlightening tips, the experience is as unpredictable as the game itself.