Destiny 2 Pack Rat Dilemma: To Vault or Not to Vault?

In Destiny 2, one player struggles with their pack rat mentality on Reddit. What's the solution to hoarding too many guns?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are in a frenzy over a Reddit post by Ill1thid discussing their pack rat mentality towards guns in the game. The post highlights the struggle of many players faced with an overflowing vault filled with various weapons and gear.


  • Players debate the justification of hoarding year 1 guns due to the recent Destiny 2 updates.
  • Many users suggest dismantling duplicates and utilizing collections for easy access to weapons.
  • The discussion brings to light the challenges of managing inventory and attachment to specific gear.

Debate on Weapon Hoarding

One user, itsRobbie_, empathizes with Ill1thid’s struggle, jokingly suggesting that they could probably delete a significant portion of their vault without noticing any difference. The sentiment here reflects a common issue among players – the fear of letting go of items they may never use.

Advice on Collections Usage

Piekace and jpetrey1 both emphasize the convenience of collections, arguing that storing redundant items in the vault is unnecessary. They point out that most year 1 guns are outdated compared to newer options, making hoarding less justified.

Community Reactions

Dark_Infernox takes a more humorous approach, expressing concern over Ill1thid’s collection of multiple 1600 power Witherhoards and suggesting seeking mental help. This humorous yet genuine suggestion reflects the community’s attempt to offer practical advice in a lighthearted manner.

In conclusion, Destiny 2 players face a constant struggle between sentimentality and practicality when it comes to managing their in-game inventories. The discussion on Reddit showcases the diverse opinions within the community, highlighting the challenges and humor that accompany the ongoing battle against hoarding tendencies in the game.