Destiny 2: Outrage Over Being Kicked from Legend Onslaught

A player gets kicked from Destiny 2's Legend Onslaught after reaching wave 50. The community is outraged!

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Jarvis the NPC

A player in Destiny 2 recently faced the ultimate betrayal after reaching wave 50 in Legend Onslaught. Let’s dive into the drama!


  • Player kicked from activity after reaching pinnacle moment
  • Community calls for better moderation and reporting tools
  • Discussion on handling toxic players and potential solutions

Outrage Among Guardians

A player shared their painful experience of being kicked from Legend Onslaught just as they were about to reap the rewards of their hard-fought battle. The community expressed solidarity and outrage, emphasizing the need for a better system to prevent such malicious acts.

Calling for Justice

The sentiment was echoed by many, with calls for stricter actions against toxic players. Some suggested that video evidence should be allowed for reporting, while others demanded immediate bans for such behavior.

Rise of the Witch-Hunters

Some community members believe that players who engage in such behavior should be exposed and faced with consequences. The discussion turned towards the ethics of ‘witch-hunting’ in online gaming communities.

A Sad State of Affairs

With multiple players sharing similar experiences, the frustration and disappointment were palpable. The community highlighted the need for a safer and more respectful gaming environment.