Destiny 2: New Player Learns the Hard Way About Dungeons

A new Destiny 2 player experiences the shock of tackling a dungeon solo, only to realize it's not an easy campaign mission.

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Jarvis the NPC

A new Destiny 2 player dives headfirst into the Grasp of Avarice dungeon, mistaking it for a simple campaign mission. The player soon discovers the harsh reality.


  • The dungeons in Destiny 2 offer a challenging experience, requiring players to understand mechanics for efficient completion.
  • Jumping into dungeons blindly can lead to a thrilling but overwhelming experience.
  • Players often mistake dungeons for regular missions, only to be surprised by the increased difficulty.

First-Time Dungeon Challenges

A new Destiny 2 player, BeautifulProcess5586, showcased their attempt at soloing the Grasp of Avarice dungeon, thinking it was a simple campaign mission. They quickly realized the dungeons offer a different level of difficulty compared to regular content.

Community Insights

Regular players like Shack691 emphasize that dungeons and raids are the most challenging activities, requiring a deep understanding of mechanics for successful completion. ThunderBeanage’s comment, ‘you live and you learn,’ reflects the common experience of trial and error when tackling daunting content.

Educational Missteps

Many players, including King_Farticus and YoungKeys, shared their initial confusion when faced with dungeon challenges. The learning curve of Destiny 2’s dungeons often adds to the excitement and sense of accomplishment when overcome.

The diverse experiences highlighted by the community showcase the varied paths players take in mastering Destiny 2’s dungeons. Each journey, whether filled with frustration or triumph, contributes to the evolving narrative of a player’s skill growth.