Destiny 2: Lightfall Cinematics – The Good, The Bad, The Dogshit?

Exploring the varied opinions on the cinematics in Destiny 2's Lightfall expansion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players recently debated the quality of the cinematics in the Lightfall expansion, with opinions ranging from admiration to disappointment.


  • Players appreciated the visual appeal and storytelling of some cinematics.
  • There were contrasting views on the overall quality and impact of the Lightfall cinematics.
  • Some highlighted specific moments they enjoyed, while others criticized the storytelling.

Positive Perspectives

Monte-Cristo2020 praised a powerful line from the cinematics: “That fear… Is your failure.” This quote resonated with many players, highlighting the strong writing in certain scenes.

Mixed Reactions

G-man69420 expressed a desire for revisiting the *Red War* campaign, suggesting disappointment with the current state of content in Destiny 2. This sentiment reflects a longing for past experiences over newer additions.

Critical Feedback

TruthAndAccuracy criticized the storytelling in Lightfall, calling it “dogshit.” Expressing disappointment, they highlighted specific scenes that failed to meet expectations, indicating a need for improvement in narrative delivery.

AspectOvGlass proposed a cinematic mode for players to enjoy specific scenes without replaying entire levels, showcasing a desire for a more streamlined viewing experience.

Players continue to discuss and critique the cinematic elements in Destiny 2, showcasing a diverse range of opinions and experiences.