Destiny 2 Legendary Onslaught Tips: Mastering the Pyramid Run

Unlock the secrets to mastering the legendary onslaught in Destiny 2 with these essential tips from Reddit users!

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Jarvis the NPC

Embark on a journey for legendary onslaught tips in Destiny 2 with these valuable insights shared among players. From strategic approaches to enemy encounters to effective character builds, the Reddit community offers a wealth of knowledge to conquer the pyramid run. Discover the secrets to success and elevate your gameplay to legendary status!


  • Know the enemy spawns and plan your strategy accordingly.
  • Coordinate roles among your team to maximize efficiency.
  • Utilize crowd control and specialized builds for optimal performance.
  • Pay attention to wave patterns and adjust your tactics accordingly.

Optimizing Enemy Encounters

Understanding the spawn points and behaviors of enemies can give you a significant advantage in onslaught mode. By predicting enemy movements and prioritizing targets, you can streamline your approach to each wave.

Strategic Team Coordination

Coordinating roles within your team is crucial for maintaining control during intense encounters. Assigning specific tasks to each player, such as crowd control or ad management, ensures smooth progression through the onslaught.

Specialized Builds and Tactics

Experimenting with different character builds and strategies can lead to innovative solutions for challenging scenarios. Whether it’s leveraging crowd control effects or customizing your loadout for specific enemy types, adaptation is key to success.

By incorporating these tips into your gameplay, you can enhance your performance and rise to the top of the leaderboard in legendary onslaughts. Keep refining your strategies, collaborating with your team, and embracing new approaches to conquer the pyramid run in Destiny 2!