Destiny 2: Keith David’s Voice for Zavala – Fans React

Fans discuss the new voice of Zavala in Destiny 2 and share their thoughts on Keith David's performance.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 fans are buzzing about the new voice for Zavala, and the reactions are mixed with most believing Keith David brings justice to the role. Some, however, are finding it hard to let go of Lance Reddick’s iconic performance.


  • Keith David praised for bringing justice to Zavala’s voice
  • Many fans are finding it hard to adjust to the new voice
  • Comparisons drawn between Keith David and Lance Reddick

Positive Reactions

Fans express admiration for Keith David’s voice, calling him an amazing voice actor who fits the role perfectly. Some believe he’s the best choice to continue Zavala’s legacy.

Nostalgic Fans

Several fans are struggling to accept the change, admitting they’ll always hear Lance Reddick in their minds. They acknowledge Keith David’s talent but express sentiment towards the previous voice.

Comparisons with Lance Reddick

While many appreciate Keith David’s portrayal, some fans believe that no one can truly replace Lance Reddick’s unique raspiness. They acknowledge Keith’s talent while holding a special place for Reddick’s performance.

Fans are torn between embracing the new voice and holding on to the nostalgia of Lance Reddick’s portrayal. The discussions on Reddit reflect the emotional attachment players have to the beloved character of Zavala in Destiny 2.