Destiny 2: Is It Normal to Be Down Bad Already?

Exploring the depths of infatuation in Destiny 2 with love for the characters.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are diving deep into their affection for certain characters, sparking a wave of infatuation discussions in the community. The post in question captures the essence of falling head over heels for a character in the game, leading to some hilarious and heartfelt responses from fellow players.


  • Players are sharing their intense feelings towards specific characters in Destiny 2, highlighting the emotional connections they form with the game.
  • Infatuation with game characters is a common occurrence, with players expressing their deep admiration and affection through comments and discussions.
  • The community embraces these emotional attachments, creating a supportive environment for players to share their love for the game’s characters.

Player Expressions

The comments section is filled with players expressing their adoration for various characters in Destiny 2, showcasing the emotional depth players invest in the game. From Ana Bray being a ‘baddie’ to the enduring love for Petra Venj, players are wearing their hearts on their sleeves.

The Power of Character Design

The strong emotional connections players feel towards Destiny 2 characters highlight the exceptional character design and storytelling elements in the game that resonate with the player base. These connections contribute significantly to the immersive experience Destiny 2 offers.

Community Acceptance

The community’s acceptance and encouragement of these emotional attachments create a welcoming space for players to express their feelings openly, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared passion among Destiny 2 enthusiasts.

As players continue to delve into the world of Destiny 2, their emotional connections with the characters deepen, creating a vibrant and engaging community united by their love for the game.