Destiny 2: Hunter Builds with Double Exotic Class Items

Exploring the exciting possibilities of double exotic class items for Hunters in Destiny 2!

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the subreddit discussion on possible combinations of double exotic class items for Hunters in Destiny 2 reveals a wealth of creative and strategic ideas from players.


  • Hunters in Destiny 2 are theorizing various synergistic combos for the double exotic class item.
  • Players are excited about mixing and matching different exotics to enhance their gameplay experiences.
  • There is a lot of anticipation surrounding potential combinations for both PvP and PvE content.

Dragon/Worm Husk PvP Build

Focusing on a Dragon/Worm Husk build for PvP, user Infamous_Cdzr is eager to test out the effectiveness of renewal/cyrtarachne for damage reduction.

Strong Synergistic Combos

User MechanicalHurricane highlights synergistic combos like Galanor + Star-Eater for Super Damage/Charge and Foetracer + Verity for Monochromatic builds.

Excitement for New Combinations

Users like Fungous73 are looking forward to combining renewal and gyrfalcons into one powerful build, awaiting the release of additional fragments to enrich their gameplay.

Destiny 2 players are abuzz with anticipation and creativity as they explore the potential of double exotic class items for their Hunter builds. From strategic combos for PvP dominance to exciting synergies for PvE content, the community is brimming with excitement.