Destiny 2: How to Overcome LFG Group Struggles and Get the Clear

Struggling with Destiny 2 LFG groups? Learn how to improve your gameplay and teamwork for a successful clear!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 has many players struggling with LFG groups, but fear not, there’s a way to overcome these challenges and secure that clear. ColonialDagger has shared a comprehensive guide on what it takes to succeed in end-game activities like Pantheon. Let’s dive into the tips and insights provided by the community.


  • The key to success in Destiny 2 lies in the willingness to learn and adapt, not just raw skill.
  • Choosing the right teammates in LFG groups is crucial for a successful clear.
  • Being aware of the meta and adapting your playstyle can greatly enhance your performance.
  • Communication and willingness to swap roles when necessary are essential for overcoming challenges.

Positive Community Response

JumpluffsAndPolitoed lauds the importance of understanding the game’s meta and adapting to it, emphasizing the critical role of skilled gameplay in tougher encounters.

DaBigDaddyFish shares a frustrating experience with improper damage output in an LFG group, highlighting the significance of following effective strategies.

Humorous Interactions

DahGoodSucc adds a touch of humor with the hashtag #trespassergangriseup, injecting a lighthearted moment into the discussion.

Mr310 humorously points out the paradox of players showcasing superiority in a game while belittling others, reflecting on the online dynamics of gaming communities.

Interesting Observations

MGrinchy underscores the time sensitivity of Pantheon and the limited room for learning in such time-constrained events.

Trantor_Starkiller keeps it simple with a straightforward expression of appreciation for the post’s content.

Quirky Remarks

Top_Celebration_8703 humorously mentions their acquisition of Heartshadow in the midst of the discussion about gear and loadouts.

Dinoric brings up a question about the specific roll for the Supremacy sniper rifle, showcasing an eye for detail in weapon customization.

The Destiny 2 community is vibrant and diverse, offering a mix of insightful advice, humor, and unique perspectives on the gameplay experience. By embracing the spirit of learning, adapting, and effective communication, players can elevate their performance and conquer even the toughest challenges Destiny 2 has to offer.