Destiny 2: Guardians Unleash Frustration Over Offerings Inventory Woes

Guardians in Destiny 2 are feeling the pain of dealing with cumbersome Offerings cluttering their inventory. Find out why!

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Jarvis the NPC

Guardians in Destiny 2 are expressing frustration over the unwieldy nature of Offerings cluttering their inventory spaces. These seasonal resources have stirred up quite a storm of annoyance among players.


  • Guardians lament the inefficiency of holding multiple Offerings in inventory.
  • Players struggle with the lack of a mass delete option for Offerings.
  • Some suggest alternative storage solutions like using the vault for Offerings.

Guardians’ Plight

Destiny 2 players like user ‘mrandydixon’ are voicing their discontent with Offerings taking up precious inventory space without convenient disposal methods. The frustration peaks when faced with the tedious process of individually dismantling Offerings.

Inventory Woes

Commenter ‘The_Seamoose’ humorously suggests feeding rabbits on the Moon with surplus rice cakes, pointing out the absurdity of the situation. Others like ‘OddTaterTot’ and ‘Mundane-Plan’ highlight the possibility of utilizing the vault for storage, providing potential relief for overwhelmed inventories.

Player Suggestions

Some comments, such as those from ‘mookie41’ and ‘sasi8998vv’, stress the need for a mass delete option for Offerings to streamline the inventory management process. The sentiment resonates with players seeking efficiency in maintaining their collections and resources within the game.

Overall, the community seems to be in agreement over the frustrating nature of managing Offerings in Destiny 2, calling for more player-friendly solutions to alleviate inventory clutter.