Destiny 2: Guardians Cry Out for More Loadout Slots

The Destiny 2 community demands additional loadout slots as new content releases, fearing overwriting beloved builds.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Destiny 2, maintaining your arsenal is akin to keeping a wine cellar – cherished and meticulously curated. With the arrival of prismatic, Guardians are facing a gear crisis. A reddit post by user nawhomethisaintit captures the sentiment aptly, as they express concerns over the limited loadout slots available.


  • Guardians plea for additional loadout slots to accommodate expanding gear inventories.
  • Console players find using DIM as a workaround inefficient and time-consuming.
  • Voices call for customizable loadout names and increased inventory capacity on Guardians.

DIM Dilemma

Reddit user Dal_Kholin highlights the frustration with DIM loadouts, mentioning the long application times and limitations of needing to be in orbit. While DIM provides a storage solution, it falls short of the convenience of in-game loadouts.

Increase is Key

CrotasScrota84 argues for a substantial increase in loadout slots, suggesting an addition of six more slots is necessary to meet the demands of the growing diversity in gear options.

Customization Calls

PhysicsAye points out the absence of loadout custom naming within the game, reflecting the desire for personalized organization systems that cater to individual playstyles and preferences.

Guardians are rallying for more loadout slots and bespoke customization options, yearning for a smoother and more efficient gear management experience amidst the evolving landscape of Destiny 2.