Destiny 2: Frustration Among Gambit Mains – What’s the Deal?

Explore the frustrations of Gambit mains in Destiny 2 and why they feel neglected compared to PvP players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players express frustration over the perceived neglect of Gambit mode compared to PvP. Despite hopes for updates, it seems Gambit may not be a priority.


  • Gambit mains feel overlooked compared to PvP players.
  • Gambit’s smaller player base may explain the lack of updates.
  • Bungie’s focus on PvP content leaves Gambit in the shadows.

Frustration Among Gambit Mains

Destiny 2’s Gambit enthusiasts are feeling the burn of what they perceive as neglect from Bungie when it comes to their favorite game mode. The frustration stems from a sense of being overshadowed by the PvP community, with updates and attention seemingly directed more towards the competitive side of the game. As one user points out, it almost feels like Gambit players are not even considered in the grand scheme of Destiny 2.

Gambit’s Struggles with Player Base

One of the key points raised in the discussion is the disparity in player base between Gambit and Crucible. It is noted that Crucible enjoys a significantly larger player base, and as a result, Bungie tends to allocate more resources and updates to cater to these players. Gambit, on the other hand, is seen as a niche within Destiny 2, with a smaller but dedicated community that often feels left behind in terms of new content and improvements.

Bungie’s Focus on PvP

Another interesting perspective shared in the thread is the idea that Bungie’s emphasis on PvP content leaves Gambit in the dust. With a considerable portion of the player base engaged in PvP activities, it makes sense from a business standpoint to prioritize updates and events that cater to this segment. However, this shift in focus leaves Gambit mains feeling overlooked and undervalued, leading to growing frustrations within the community.

Despite hopes for updates and improvements in Gambit mode, it appears that the current trajectory may not align with the expectations of dedicated Gambit players. As Destiny 2 continues to evolve, it remains to be seen whether Bungie will address the concerns of the Gambit community and provide them with the attention and updates they desire.