Destiny 2: Fans Vent Frustrations Over Spawning Issues in Onslaught Mode

Destiny 2 players are fed up with unfair enemy spawns ruining their Onslaught experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are facing a new threat in the form of unfair enemy spawns in Onslaught mode. The frustration level is rising among the community as enemies seem to appear out of thin air, making the gameplay experience less fun and engaging.


  • Players express annoyance at enemies spawning on top of them.
  • Community debates the fairness of spawn locations in Onslaught mode.
  • Some players resort to avoiding specific areas to prevent surprise enemy spawns.

Player Reactions to Spawn Issues

Some players find the unexpected enemy spawns in Onslaught mode hilarious, with comments like “mf’er just spawned on your ass like you owe him rent 🤣.” However, others are more critical, calling out the unfairness of enemies appearing right on top of the player.

Community Response to Encounter Design

One user expresses their frustration by stating, “Spawning enemies right on top of or right behind the player is cheap, cheesy, and nothing makes me log off faster. There is nothing lazy about game dev, but this is lazy encounter design.” This sentiment resonates with many players who feel that such encounters detract from the overall enjoyment of the game.

Creative Solutions and Humorous Takes

Some players resort to witty solutions to deal with the unexpected spawns, like joking about setting bear traps or staying away from specific areas to avoid spawning issues. Others share humorous anecdotes, likening the situation to a player being ambushed by an unexpected enemy, adding a touch of levity to an otherwise frustrating experience.