Destiny 2: Fans Divided Over Stasis Hunter Gimmick

Fans are split over the Stasis Hunter gimmick – is it a game-changer or a flop? Dive into the debate on Reddit!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are buzzing about the Stasis Hunter subclass and its ‘slow’ effect. Does this unique mechanic shake up the game?


  • Fans debate the effectiveness of the ‘slow’ effect in the Stasis Hunter subclass.
  • Opinions range from disappointment to excitement over the subclass gimmick.
  • Players discuss the role of ‘slow’ in combat and its potential buffs.

Fans Divided Over ‘Slow’ Mechanic

Destiny 2 enthusiasts have differing views on the Stasis Hunter gimmick, particularly the emphasis on the ‘slow’ effect. Some players feel the slow mechanic is lackluster compared to other subclasses, while others see its strategic potential. The debate centers on whether ‘slow’ adds depth to gameplay or falls short in execution.

Prismatic Reactions

Many fans express mixed feelings about Prismatic keeping only the ‘slow effect’ parts of the Stasis subclass. While some appreciate the unique gameplay loop it offers, others are underwhelmed by the limited options available. The community eagerly awaits potential buffs to the slow mechanic, hoping it will become more impactful in future updates.

Player Insights on Stasis Hunter

Players delve into specific aspects of the Stasis Hunter subclass, discussing the synergy between abilities and exotic gear. Some highlight the potential for creative builds with Prismatic, leveraging the slowdown effect for various gameplay advantages. Despite differing opinions on the subclass’s viability, enthusiasts remain curious about its future potential.

Overall, the Destiny 2 community demonstrates a mix of excitement and skepticism towards the Stasis Hunter subclass’s ‘slow’ gimmick. As Bungie continues to refine and balance gameplay mechanics, players eagerly anticipate the evolution of this unique playstyle.