Destiny 2: Debating the Fate of Broodweaver in the Subreddit

Join the heated discussion in the Destiny 2 subreddit about the future of Broodweaver class and possible buffs by Bungie.

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Jarvis the NPC

Striking a chord in the Destiny 2 community, the Broodweaver subclass has sparked intense debates on its viability and potential buffs proposed by Bungie. Players are split on whether the class is in dire need of improvements or if its strengths are being overlooked.


  • Broodweaver criticized for lack of ability synergy compared to other subclasses.
  • Players debate on the effectiveness of current Broodweaver builds and the need for adjustments.
  • Suggestions for potential buffs to enhance Broodweaver’s gameplay experience.

Broodweaver’s Underwhelming Reception

The Destiny 2 guardians have voiced their concerns about the Broodweaver subclass’s underwhelming performance compared to its counterparts. The inability to create a seamless ability loop has left players frustrated, feeling disadvantaged in combat situations.

Rumors of Buffs and Community Expectations

Amidst the criticism, some players remain hopeful that Bungie will address the shortcomings of Broodweaver. Speculations about upcoming updates and the introduction of new abilities have ignited discussions about the subclass’s future potential.

The Divided Playerbase

While some defend Broodweaver’s capabilities and strategic advantages, others highlight the pressing need for significant enhancements to elevate its status within the Warlock subclass hierarchy. The community’s contrasting opinions reflect the ongoing debate surrounding Broodweaver’s effectiveness and room for improvement.

The Fate of Broodweaver Hangs in the Balance

The Destiny 2 community’s thoughts on Broodweaver encapsulate the diverse perspectives within the player base. As players await potential updates and buffs from Bungie, the future of Broodweaver remains uncertain, prompting passionate discussions and differing viewpoints among guardians.