Destiny 2: Community Frustrations with Forced RNG in Playlist

Discover why Destiny 2 players are not happy with the forced RNG mechanics in the game's playlist.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are expressing frustration over the game’s playlist mechanics, specifically the forced RNG elements that are causing players to leave matches.


  • Players are unhappy with the RNG element in the playlist, leading to constant match leavers.
  • Quest RNG decisions are criticized, with many finding them nonsensical.
  • The pursuit setup is seen as flawed, creating unnecessary friction for players.

Community Reaction

Many players are voicing their discontent with the way Bungie has implemented RNG into the playlist, causing disruptions and dissatisfaction among the player base. One user, CMDR_Soup, sarcastically remarks, “Enjoy the thrill of your imminent demise!” which reflects the frustration that players are feeling.

Quest Critique

Players like EmperorDrackos are calling out the poor choice of RNG in quests, highlighting the negative impact it has on the gameplay experience. The quest requirements, as pointed out by SirPr3ce, are causing players to leave matches prematurely, indicating a flawed system.

Flawed Pursuits

Commentators such as 0rganicMach1ne are criticizing the pursuit design, pointing out the incompatibility of personal rewards in multiplayer activities. This design flaw leads to inefficient and frustrating gameplay experiences for the community.

The overall sentiment among players seems to be one of disappointment and exasperation with the current state of Destiny 2’s playlist mechanics. The forced RNG elements and quest requirements are seen as unnecessary obstacles that detract from the enjoyment of the game.