Destiny 2: Bungie Plz Addition for SteamOS/Linux Support

Guardians unite to push for Destiny 2 support on SteamOS/Linux. Will Bungie heed their call?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are clamoring for SteamOS/Linux support to enhance their gaming experience. Bungie Plz Addition sparks heated discussions among the community, with some expressing frustration and others hopeful for a positive outcome.


  • Destiny loyalists seek freedom from Windows to enjoy their favorite game on SteamOS/Linux.
  • Some users highlight the uniqueness of Destiny 2 as their sole reason for maintaining a Windows setup.
  • Community members believe Bungie’s support for SteamOS/Linux could win back favor and attract new players.

Destiny: The Windows Dilemma

One user, Fredfries81, humorously shared, “Just to understand the ridiculousness of the situation – I am traveling with my SD. I have an NVME plugged into it running Windows. Just to play Destiny. Every other game runs on SteamOS, including those with Battleye.” The irony of going to such lengths solely for Destiny 2 highlights the frustration among players.

In the Hands of Bungie

While some, like Worried_Complex_7757, are eager for SteamOS/Linux support due to their reliance on Destiny 2, others, like FlareFoxFire, see it as a potential game-changer for lapsed and new players. FlareFoxFire emphasized the universal appeal of this addition and its positive impact on player accessibility.

Bungie’s Standoff

Several users, including IAteMyYeezys, expressed displeasure at Bungie’s reluctance, citing past decisions and industry precedents. CC_Greener highlighted the irony of Destiny 2 running on Stadia, a Linux-based platform, despite Bungie’s resistance to supporting SteamOS/Linux.

Destiny 2 players eagerly await Bungie’s response to the community’s plea for SteamOS/Linux support, hoping for a future where they can enjoy their favorite game without OS limitations.