Destiny 2: Best Weapon to Invest Tokens in for Raid

Looking for advice on which weapon to buy with tokens for the raid in Destiny 2? Check out the top recommendations and why!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you struggling to decide which weapon to invest your hard-earned tokens in for the raid in Destiny 2? Well, fear not, as the DestinyTheGame subreddit is buzzing with advice on this very topic. User luism60613 is seeking suggestions on which weapon, with a unique perk or trait not found in recent releases, to go for. Let’s dive into the heated discussions and recommendations swirling around this critical decision, shall we?


  • What weapon should you invest your tokens in for the raid?
  • Users recommend Apex Predator, Tyranny of Heaven, and The Supremacy for their unique perks.
  • Consider weapons that offer Reconstruction, Bipod, and Bait and Switch for optimal performance.

Apex Predator: The Top Contender

Apex Predator emerges as the top pick among users, with its potent DPS powerhouse capabilities. Users emphasize crafting it with Reconstruction and Bait and Switch for maximum effectiveness in raid scenarios.

Tyranny of Heaven: A Fun and Unique Choice

Users also praise Tyranny of Heaven for its unique dragonfly/incandescent perk combination, offering a fun gameplay experience with constant explosions and ignitions. The bow’s distinctive feature sets it apart from the standard meta rockets.

The Supremacy: Exclusivity and Versatility

For players seeking exclusivity and versatility in their arsenal, The Supremacy stands out as a god tier kinetic weapon. Its unparalleled offerings, such as Bait and Switch, Kinetic Tremors, and FTTC/Rewind Rounds, make it a valuable asset for any challenging encounter. Users recommend it as a primary option for DPS and versatility needs.

As Destiny 2 players engage in spirited discussions about the best weapon choices for the raid, the community remains divided on the ultimate pick. Whether you opt for Apex Predator’s raw power, Tyranny of Heaven’s unique mechanics, or The Supremacy’s exclusive features, the decision ultimately boils down to your preferred playstyle and raid strategies. So, choose wisely, Guardian, and may your chosen weapon lead you to glorious victories in the raid encounters!