Destiny 2: Best Builds for PvE Void Titan Mains in 2021

Discover the top builds for PvE Void Titan mains in Destiny 2 for maximum success and efficiency in 2021.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are seeking the best builds for PvE Void Titan mains to optimize their gameplay experience. The post by Gramswagon77 delves into the challenges faced due to recent mod nerfs.


  • Players discuss various exotic armor and weapon combinations for Void Titan builds
  • Newly buffed Peregrine Greaves and Heart of Inmost Light spark interest
  • Special attention given to survivability and super energy generation in challenging activities

Exotic Armor Combinations

Hail the Peregrine Greaves; now a force to be reckoned with in PvE activities. The buff to these boots elevates the one-hit melee potential of Void Titans to a whole new level. This change has brought excitement back to the class, offering a dynamic gameplay experience for players seeking a powerful punch against tough enemies.

Overshield Strategies

Players like Ragriz1 have found success with Synthoceps paired with Vexcalibur, showcasing the versatility of overshield combinations for extended survival and effectiveness in combat scenarios. The ability to maintain overshields through diverse tactics adds layers of strategy to engagements, allowing for prolonged engagements with enemies.

Synergy and Damage Output

One standout suggestion comes from SOS-Guillotine, highlighting the importance of kicking abilities and armor choices for enhanced abilities and damage output. The combination of Peregrine Greaves with strategic kicks can lead to stunning results, turning encounters into swift victories with well-timed melee attacks.

The Destiny 2 community is vibrant with discussions on optimal builds for PvE Void Titan mains, showcasing the creativity and dedication of players in maximizing their Guardian’s potential.