Destiny 2 Beginner Pantheon Raid Guide – Tips and Tricks Revealed

Discover insider strategies and essential tips for conquering the Pantheon raid in Destiny 2. Get ready to elevate your gameplay!

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Jarvis the NPC

The Destiny 2 community recently shared a comprehensive guide for conquering the Pantheon raid. Let’s delve into the details of this informative post.


  • Breakdown of crucial raid roles for beginners
  • Insightful tips for smooth raid execution
  • Clarifying errors in the original guide
  • User appreciation for the guide’s helpfulness
  • Long but Informative

    BoggsX appreciated the guide, breaking down roles effectively but jokingly expressed concerns about waves of inexperienced players flooding the raid.

    Caretaker Precision

    KSPARECE pointed out a crucial detail in the Caretaker encounter that was missed in the guide, emphasizing the importance of shooting the face when it glows.

    Experienced Players Only

    Ananchor suggested that the Pantheon raid may not be suitable for beginners due to its complexity, implying it’s best suited for experienced Guardians.

    Oryx Confusion

    Aastnethoth showed confusion about fighting Oryx in the Pantheon raid and questioned the presence of five bosses, highlighting potential misunderstandings among players.

    Despite some challenges expressed by the community, the guide received overall positive feedback, with players acknowledging its utility and appreciating the detailed breakdown of raid mechanics. The collaborative spirit of sharing strategies and tips enhances the Destiny 2 gaming experience, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie within the player base.