Destiny 2: A Beginner’s Guide to Raid Mechanics

Raiding in Destiny 2 can be daunting for new players, but with a little guidance, it becomes a rewarding experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players in the subreddit are discussing their experiences and frustrations with raid mechanics, especially for newer players.


  • Learning raid mechanics is crucial for progression.
  • Some players prefer being carried through raids, affecting the team dynamic.
  • New players value learning and improving their skills in the game.

Frustrations with Raid Mechanics

In the post, players express their struggles with raid mechanics, particularly the caretaker encounter and symbolic puzzles. One user highlights how methodically learning the mechanics can ease the process, while another laments the lack of effort from some teammates.

Desire for Learning

Newer players in the community emphasize the importance of understanding raid mechanics and actively seeking to improve. Despite facing setbacks, such as being relegated to add-clear roles, they express a genuine desire to enhance their gameplay.

Community Reactions

The community seems divided on the issue, with some players criticizing those who avoid learning mechanics and others empathizing with newcomers seeking guidance. The clash between different playstyles and attitudes adds depth to the discussion.

In Destiny 2, raiding isn’t just about completing tasks—it’s about teamwork, strategy, and constant improvement. While challenges may arise, the willingness to learn and grow as a player ultimately defines one’s journey in the game.