Demystifying the ‘Report Studio’ Button Talk on Fortnite

Diving into the Fortnite community's discourse on the 'Report Studio' button proposal.

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to Fortnite’s community discussion, nothing is too small or trivial. The game’s community was recently abuzz with a user suggestion about implementing a ‘report studio’ button.


  • User Easy-Manufacturer278 proposes the implementation of a ‘report studio’ button, ruffling feathers in the process.
  • The sentiment around the suggestion is mixed, with some users expressing confusion, others showing support, and some humorously criticizing the moderation process.
  • Reddit’s AI bot AutoModerator intervened, redirecting the discussion towards bug reporting, eliciting laughs from the community.

The Proposal at Hand

The debate was initiated by user Easy-Manufacturer278 who threw the ‘report studio’ button idea into the ring. With no post body to clarify the idea, the comment section became the arena for the discussion.

Community Reception and Discussion

DmodG emphasizes that this seems to be an issue in ‘99% of creative maps.’ The comment, albeit with a sense of hyperbole, underscores the significance of the issue to many participants in Fortnite’s creative area.

User LightBlueNggaballs, while confused about the problem, points out a specific controversial element in the image shared alongside the button proposal. The user’s comment indicates the kind of judgement calls players are required to make while engaging in the game.

While Cuber_the_drift uses sarcasm to voice frustration about apparent inconsistency in the approval of their images compared to others, reflecting the desire from the community for more transparency and consistency in moderation.

Robotic Intervention

Where human argument and discourse may falter, an AI conveniently steps in. The appearance of the AutoModerator in the thread redirected the conversation towards bug reporting to Epic Games, a definite sidestep from the original ‘report button’ dialogue. This sent the discussion in an unintended comedic direction.

Isn’t it peculiar and hilarious to see how one simple proposal can spark such a diversified discussion amongst Fortnite’s community? From serious considerations of the idea and critique of moderation, to comedic outbursts and even an unexpected AI intervention, everything was fair game in this particularly interesting community discourse.