Deep Rock Galactic: To Kill or Not to Kill Lootbugs?

The debate rages on in the Deep Rock Galactic community - should lootbugs be spared or exterminated?

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players are torn on the contentious issue of whether to kill lootbugs or let them live. The debate has sparked heated discussions within the community, with differing opinions on the matter.


  • Players debate the ethical dilemma of killing lootbugs for resources.
  • Some argue for sparing lootbugs due to their innocent nature.
  • Others see lootbugs as mere valuable resource containers and emphasize the need for efficiency in mining operations.

Players’ Perspectives

Many players sympathize with lootbugs, viewing them as harmless creatures that should be spared. Some view them as family members, jokingly suggesting quitting the game when they start feeling attached to the bugs.

On the other hand, some players prioritize efficiency and resources, justifying lootbug kills as necessary for survival and mission success. They humorously refer to lootbugs as ‘meat bags’ or ‘walking rocks’ due to their mineral-filled bodies.

Moral Quandaries and Gameplay

The debate extends beyond gameplay mechanics, with players questioning the ethics of killing lootbugs. Some express guilt over exterminating what they perceive as innocent beings, while others find humor in the act, treating it as a game mechanic.

Overall, the issue of lootbug killing in Deep Rock Galactic highlights the diverse player perspectives and the complex intersection of morality and gameplay efficiency within the gaming community.