Deep Rock Galactic: Speedy Drop Pod Escapades and Hilarious Mishaps

Speeding out of the drop pod leads to unexpected outcomes for an adventurous crew.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players share humorous stories of speedy drop pod escapes and unexpected deaths.


  • Efficient drop pod exits can lead to chaotic and hilarious scenarios.
  • Players revel in the comedic timing of mishaps during missions.
  • Community members share their own tales of unexpected surprises in the game.


“Thats the greenest thing I have seen in a while, impressive. Funnily falling to death on spawn is something that really never changes.”


“The comedic timing is perfect LMAO”


“After 1500h i wait 0.02 second longer so i can throw flare and see my death pit”


“Haha this is great! But to counter it, I always shoot a flare (as a scout) from the droppod to lighten up the immediate vicinity of the DP”