Deep Rock Galactic: Season Hopes Taken For A Ride!

Players in the Deep Rock Galactic subreddit express disappointment and frustration over dashed hopes for the new season.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players on Reddit are venting their frustration over the recent letdown in the new season.


  • Season 5 update fails to meet player expectations
  • Community demands better communication from developers
  • Fans resort to humor to cope with disappointment

Frustration and Disappointment

Some players expressed their deep disappointment, comparing the situation to a dystopian novel.

One fan jokingly suggested giving the drillevator a personality to cope with the letdown.

Community Outcry

Many community members find the situation unacceptable and demand more transparency from the game developers.

Several players humorously proposed extreme measures to get the developers’ attention, like kicking barrels into launch bays.

Looking Ahead

Despite the disappointment, players are already thinking about the future, with requests for mods and predictions about the next season.

The community’s humor and creativity shine through even in times of disappointment, showing their strong bond with the game.