Deep Rock Galactic: Exploring M1000 Builds Discussion on Reddit

Scouts discuss M1000 builds in Deep Rock Galactic on Reddit. Find out what works best for this gun!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Deep Rock Galactic, finding the right build for the M1000 can be a challenge. Scouts look for effective setups on Reddit, sparking lively discussions.


  • Accuracy is key for M1000 performance
  • Players debate between hip-firing and focus shots
  • Builds range from crowd control to single-target damage

22121 or 22122 with Electro OC

Players suggest focusing on ammo management and damage output to maximize the M1000’s potential.

Slow Time OC + Pistols = Matrix Build

A creative build combines slow motion effects with secondary pistols for a versatile playstyle.

Max Damage with Supercooling Chamber

An Xbox player shares a high damage setup with an emphasis on efficiency while playing on console.

Embracing Precision with the M1k

Some players highlight the importance of accuracy and target selection when using the M1000, emphasizing its unique role in the scout’s arsenal.